5 monthsAdvert Info
- Advert ID:
- 41282
- Advert Type:
- For Adoption, Rehoming or Rescue
- Advertiser Type:
- Rescue Centre / Charity
- Located in:
- Uxbridge, London
Dog Info
- Age:
- 1 year (approx)
Loka's ideal home
Loka is on the search for her forever home with adopters who will take things at her own pace and help to build her confidence. She enjoys going out on her walks, exploring and adventuring to find new smells. She is a big girl who can get very excited, therefore, she can live with older teenagers in the home who are comfortable around bouncy dogs. Loka can be worried by men and therefore may need more meets at the centre if there are any men in the home. She would like to be the only dog in the home but does have potential to live with another dog in the future.
Could you be Loka's perfect match?
Loka is a fun-loving girl who loves to get fuss from her favourite people. She loves running around and having a good play with toys- the rope and soft ones are her favourite. Loka really enjoys going out on adventurous walks and can walk with dogs at a distance. She really enjoys her treats and will take them gently from your hand. She is a clever girl who already knows sit, paw and down but would love to learn more.