My 14 week old pup

  • Started by Rachael Wise

    on 10th Oct 2023, 3:22 pm

    Joined 25th Sep 2023

    1 Thread

    1 Post

    Hi everyone, first time Staffy owner, and she is my everything. I lost ms GSD 3 years ago, suddenly, and it’s taken me so long to be able to bring myself to love another furbaby.

    She’s doing really well developmental wise, she’s very clever and very mischievous. The place we got her from was rather questionable and I have reported the sellers. She was very nervous when she first came home and flinched every time you went to stroke her. Needless to say, she absolutely loves her fuss and is currently running around the garden with some mad zoomies.

    I was told she is a full staff, as she is getting bigger, someone told me she looked like a Jack Russell. I have already taken out pet insurance, but if I have the wrong breed down I don’t want it to be void. I know you guys can’t run DNA test by looking, but as Staffy owners, what would your thoughts be?

    Thanks for taking the time xxx

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